
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12295 From: shannonjdavenport Date: 9/22/2015
Subject: New to KMotionCNC question.

In the code fragment below I get a "radius to end of arc differs from start" on line 4.  If I change I-0.027 to 0.026 it works and I understand that as the geometry is a bit off.  But, I thought I could set the trajectory planer to compensate for these small errors.  Whatever I do doesn't seem to have any effect.  The "Trajectory Planner" frame caption is also grayed-out like it's disabled.  I'm sure I am missing something simple.

Thanks, Shannon

N1 G01X1.139Y1.626F120

N2 G03X1.157Y1.661I-0.024J0.034F120

N3 G01X1.157Y1.781F120

N4 G03X1.117Y1.802I-0.027J-0.001F120

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12297 From: TKSOFT Date: 9/23/2015
Subject: Re: New to KMotionCNC question.
Hi Shannon,

The GCode has radius differences of 0.001465 inches.  The allowed limits are:

#define TOLERANCE_INCH 0.0005
#define TOLERANCE_MM 0.005

The GCode Interpreter doesn't allow discontinuities of that size before the path gets passed to the Trajectory Planner.

I'm not sure what "Trajectory Planner frame caption" you are referring to.

Can't you get your CAD program to output an extra digit?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12298 From: Shannon Davenport Date: 9/23/2015
Subject: Re: New to KMotionCNC question.
Attachments :
Thank's, Yes, the CAD program can be changed but we have several hundred gcode files like this that were cut with Mach3 and would like to use them without reprocessing them.  I changed #define TOLERANCE_INCH 0.0005 to #define TOLERANCE_INCH 0.002 in my Init.C program but it didn't work.  Guessing that's not something I can do.  
I attached a screen shot of the corner of the grayed out frame caption.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:20 PM, tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Hi Shannon,

The GCode has radius differences of 0.001465 inches.  The allowed limits are:

#define TOLERANCE_INCH 0.0005
#define TOLERANCE_MM 0.005

The GCode Interpreter doesn't allow discontinuities of that size before the path gets passed to the Trajectory Planner.

I'm not sure what "Trajectory Planner frame caption" you are referring to.

Can't you get your CAD program to output an extra digit?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12306 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/23/2015
Subject: Re: New to KMotionCNC question. [1 Attachment]
Hi Shannon,

The G Code Interpreter lives in the C++ KMotion Libraries that run on the PC and has nothing to do with the C Code that runs within KFLOP.

Here is a patched KMotionCNC and GCodeInterpreter compatible with V4.33q that should allow you to specify the allowed radii difference.  See:

Copy these files to the \KMotion433q\Release directory

Please let us know if it resolves the issue.

btw the grayed out trajectory planner group box doesn't mean the parameters are disabled.  That was a bug and only shows grayed in some Themes like Windows XP.  That should also be corrected.
